门诊调度 & 批准

门诊程序安排和批准(预认证), 请拨打912-366-6002致电足球比赛下注中心调度办公室, 传真912-367-1200.


采用医疗’s patients reserve the right to have family and visitors during their hospital stay. 病人和访客必须遵守医院的规定. 请参阅足球比赛下注的医院探访政策 在这里.


作为病人,你有权获得大多数医疗记录的副本. 你的医疗记录包括你的健康史, 过敏, 药物, 测试结果, 以及如何联系你. So, it’s our job to protect your privacy while giving you timely access when you need it. 索要你的医疗记录副本 在这里.


在2024年立法会议期间, the Georgia General Assembly passed the 《足球比赛下注》(众议院663号法案), 该法案于5月6日由布莱恩·坎普州长签署成为法律, 2024. This legislation establishes visitation rights for individuals admitted to hospitals and long-term care facilities. 读一读《足球比赛下注》 在这里.


如果您对足球比赛下注的服务有任何疑问, 除了这个网站上的资源, 请足球比赛下注.
打电话给足球比赛下注: 912-367-9841 or 点击这里了解更多


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The employees and medical staff of 采用医疗 respect the dignity and pride of each individual with unique needs and perspectives. The following reflects your rights and responsibilities as we provide you or your family care:


  • to receive care in a safe environment, free from all forms of abuse, neglect, or mistreatment.
  • to have family members or a person of your choice notified promptly of your admission to the hospital.
  • 在你住院期间,有人陪在你身边,给你精神上的支持, 除非你的访客的存在损害了他人的权利, 安全, 或健康.
  • 拒绝任何时候的探视.
  • to expect privacy and dignity in treatment consistent with receiving quality medical and psychiatric care.
  • to know who is responsible for authorizing and performing your procedures or treatments.
  • 不分种族都能获得医疗或住宿, 性, 信条, 性取向, 国家的起源, 宗教, 生理缺陷, 或者付款来源.
  • 了解照顾你的人的身份/职业状况.
  • 了解可用的患者支持服务, 如果语言有问题,还可以找翻译.
  • 根据医院的规定查看你的医疗记录.
  • to be informed of the nature of your condition; proposed treatment or procedure; risks, 好处, and prognosis; and   any continuing healthcare requirements after your discharge, in terms you can understand.
  • to have your pain assessed and to be involved in decisions about treating your pain.
  • 不受任何形式的限制和隔离   医学上不需要.
  • 期望在护理中考虑您的隐私和保密, 讨论, 考试, 和治疗方法. 在任何类型的考试中,你都可以要求有人陪同.
  • 在遭受虐待或忽视的情况下获得保护和宣传服务. 医院会提供这些资源的清单.
  • 拒绝接受治疗,但法律另有规定的除外;   并告知你拒绝的后果.
  • 参与与您的护理计划相关的决策过程.
  • 获得专业人士的情感和/或精神关怀.
  • 参与可能出现的道德问题的讨论.
  • to express concerns regarding any of these rights in accordance with the grievance process.
  • to formulate an Advance Directive and appoint a surrogate to make healthcare decisions on your behalf to the extent permitted by law.


  • to provide accurate and complete information to your healthcare providers about your present and past medical conditions and all other matters pertaining to your health.
  • to inform your healthcare providers whether or not you understand your 计划 of care and what is expected of you.
  • 赴约,如果不能,通知合适的人.
  • 体谅其他病人和医院工作人员的权利, 尊重员工, 遵守医院足球比赛下注护理和行为的政策和规定.
  • 积极参与你的疼痛管理, 计划, and keep your doctors and nurses informed of the effectiveness of your treatment.
  • to leave valuables at home and bring only necessary items for your hospital stay.

足球比赛下注想知道您对足球比赛下注的服务和服务是否满意, 以及改进的建议. 帮助足球比赛下注衡量足球比赛下注的努力, 足球比赛下注在病人住院后对他们进行随访, 如果足球比赛下注通过邮件联系你, we hope you will take a moment to respond to our survey questions (provided by NRC Picker). 您的意见将帮助足球比赛下注改进足球比赛下注提供护理的方式. 足球比赛下注也欢迎并鼓励您随时提出意见. All information is used to support our efforts to continually improve the quality of your care and 安全.

We encourage you to call the Patient Advocate to share your concerns at (912) 367-9841 ext. 1201.

难道足球比赛下注不能解决你的问题吗, 足球比赛下注建议您与乔治亚州社区卫生部联系, 桃树街二号, 西北亚特兰大, ga30303(404-657-5726或800-878-6442).


你的隐私 & 信息
